Open Source vs Closed Source Software: Public Policies in the Software Market

TitleOpen Source vs Closed Source Software: Public Policies in the Software Market
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsComino, S
Date PublishedJune

This paper analyses the impact of public policies supporting open source software (OSS). Users can be divided between those who know about the existence of OSS, the informed adopters, and the uninformed ones; the presence of uniformed users yields to market failures that justify government intervention. We study three policies: i) mandatory adoption, when government forces public agencies, schools and universities to adopt OSS, ii) information campaign, when the government informs the uninformed users about the existence and the characteristics of OSS and, iii) subsidisation, when consumers are payed a subsidy when adopting OSS. We show that the second policy enhances welfare, the third is always welfare decreasing while mandatory adoption can be either good or bad for society depending on the number of informed and uninformed adopters.

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