Open Source as a Complex Adaptive System - Published in Emergence 5 (3)

TitleOpen Source as a Complex Adaptive System - Published in Emergence 5 (3)
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsMuffatto, M
Date PublishedNovember

The Open Source community and its activities can be considered to have the characteristics of a system. The Open Source system is distinctive because it is neither controlled by a central authority that defines strategy and organization nor totally chaotic. It can be placed at a middle position between a planned system and a chaotic one. In this sort of position there are non-formal rules which allow the system to produce significant results. The Complex Adaptive System theory can be used to better understand and analyze the Open Source system. This work presents a description of the main characteristics of the functioning of the Open Source community regarding its organizational structure and development process. The concept of complex adaptive system is then introduced and its functioning mechanisms briefly described. Finally, we will interpret the characteristics of the Open Source community in the context of complex adaptive systems theory.

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