Contains the keyword project success

Crowston K, Annabi H, Howison J, Masango C. Towards a Portfolio of FLOSS project Success Measures. In Workshop on Open Source Software Engineering, International Conference on Software Engineering. 2004. PDF icon crowston04towards.pdf (306.18 KB)
Capiluppi A, Lago P, Morisio M. Characteristics of Open Source Projects. In 7th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR'03). 2003. p. 317-.
Wynn DE. Organizational Structure of Open Source Projects: A Life Cycle Approach. In Proceedings of 7th Annual Conference of the Southern Association for Information Systems. 2003. PDF icon wynn2004.pdf (242.8 KB)
Stewart KJ, Ammeter T. An Exploratory Study of Factors Influencing the Level of Vitality and Popularity of Open Source Projects. In ICIS 2002. Proceedings of International Conference on Information Systems 2002. 2002. pp. 1-5.
