mailing lists

Gender Differences in Early Free and Open Source Software Joining Process

V. Kuechler, Gilbertson, C., and Jensen, C., Gender Differences in Early Free and Open Source Software Joining Process, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology 378 (OSS 2012), vol. 378. IFIP AICT, Springer, Eighth International Conference on Open Source Systems (OSS 2012), pp. 78-93, 2012.

{Linkster: Enabling Efficient Manual Mining}

C. Bird, Bachman, A., Rahman, F., and Bernstein, A., {Linkster: Enabling Efficient Manual Mining}, in Demonstration Track, Proceedings of the 17th SIGSOFT Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering, 2010.

Extracting source code from e-mails

A. Bacchelli, D'Ambros, M., and Lanza, M., Extracting source code from e-mails, in Proceedings of ICPC 2010 (18th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension), 2010, pp. 24-33.
