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J. Spacco and Williams, C. C., Branching and merging in the repository, in the 2008 international workshopProceedings of the 2008 international workshop on Mining software repositories - MSR '08, New York, New York, USA, 2008, pp. 19-22.PDF icon p19-williams.pdf (280.51 KB)
cyber criminal
S. A. Hissam, Plakosh, D., and Weinstock, C., Trust and vulnerability in open source software, Software, {IEE} Proceedings -, vol. 149, no. 1, pp. 47–51, 2002.
Data and knowledge visualization
N. Matragkas, Williams, J. R., Kolovos, D. S., and Paige, R. F., Analysing the 'Biodiversity' of Open Source Ecosystems: The GitHub Case, in Proceedings of the 11th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, New York, NY, USA, 2014, pp. 356–359.
data mining
N. Matragkas, Williams, J. R., Kolovos, D. S., and Paige, R. F., Analysing the 'Biodiversity' of Open Source Ecosystems: The GitHub Case, in Proceedings of the 11th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, New York, NY, USA, 2014, pp. 356–359.
J. R. Williams, Di Ruscio, D., Matragkas, N., Di Rocco, J., and Kolovos, D. S., Models of OSS Project Meta-information: A Dataset of Three Forges, in Proceedings of the 11th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, New York, NY, USA, 2014, pp. 408–411.PDF icon Models_of_OSS_Project_Meta-Information_A_Dataset_of_Three_Forges_draft.pdf (334.67 KB)
Data Offloading
J. M. Koo, Espino, J. P., Armuelles, I., and Villarreal, R., Use of Open Software Tools for Data Offloading Techniques Analysis on Mobile Networks, in Open Source Software: Mobile Open Source Technologies, vol. 427, L. Corral, Sillitti, A., Succi, G., Vlasenko, J., and Wasserman, A. I., Eds. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014, pp. 111-112.
Y. Wu, Manabe, Y., Germán, D. M., and Inoue, K., How are Developers Treating License Inconsistency Issues? A Case Study on License Inconsistency Evolution in FOSS Projects, Open Source Systems: Towards Robust Practices 13th International Conference on Open Source Systems, vol. 496. Springer, pp. 69-79, 2017.
G. Wolf and Quiroga, V. G., Progression and Forecast of a Curated Web-of-Trust: A Study on the Debian Project’s Cryptographic Keyring, Open Source Systems: Towards Robust Practices 13th International Conference on Open Source Systems, vol. 496. Springer, pp. 117-127, 2017.
design patterns
S. Kim, Pan, K., and Whitehead, Jr., J. E., Micro pattern evolution, in Proceedings of the 2006 international workshop on Mining software repositories, New York, NY, USA, 2006, pp. 40–46.PDF icon 40MicroPattern.pdf (891.01 KB)
developer network
A. Meneely and Williams, L., Socio-technical developer networks: should we trust our measurements?, in Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering, New York, NY, USA, 2011, pp. 281–290.
K. Crowston, Wei, K., Li, Q., and Howison, J., Core and periphery in Free/Libre and Open Source software team communications, Proceedings of the 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences-Volume 06, 2006.
M. Weiss, Moroiu, G., and Zhao, P., Evolution of Open Source Communities, in OSS2006: Open Source Systems (IFIP 2.13), 2006, pp. 21 - 32.PDF icon Evolution of Open Source Communities (609.08 KB)
P. Weissgerber, Pohl, M., and Burch, M., Visual Data Mining in Software Archives to Detect How Developers Work Together, in Fourth International Workshop on Mining Software RepositoriesFourth International Workshop on Mining Software Repositories (MSR'07:ICSE Workshops 2007), Minneapolis, MN, USA, 2007, pp. 9 - 9.PDF icon 28300009.pdf (856.23 KB)
G. Valetto, Helander, M., Ehrlich, K., Chulani, S., Wegman, M., and Williams, C., Using Software Repositories to Investigate Socio-technical Congruence in Development Projects, in Fourth International Workshop on Mining Software Repositories (MSR'07:ICSE Workshops 2007), Minneapolis, MN, USA, 2007, pp. 25 - 25.PDF icon 28300025.pdf (395.41 KB)
G. Valetto, Helander, M., Ehrlich, K., Chulani, S., Wegman, M., and Williams, C., Using Software Repositories to Investigate Socio-technical Congruence in Development Projects, in Fourth International Workshop on Mining Software Repositories (MSR'07:ICSE Workshops 2007), Minneapolis, MN, USA, 2007, pp. 25 - 25.PDF icon 28300025.pdf (395.41 KB)
A. Meneely and Williams, L., Socio-technical developer networks: should we trust our measurements?, in Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering, New York, NY, USA, 2011, pp. 281–290.
J. Spacco and Williams, C. C., Branching and merging in the repository, in the 2008 international workshopProceedings of the 2008 international workshop on Mining software repositories - MSR '08, New York, New York, USA, 2008, pp. 19-22.PDF icon p19-williams.pdf (280.51 KB)
Diffusion of innovation
L. Ramanathan and Iyer, S. K., A Qualitative Study on the Adoption of Open Source Software in Information Technology Outsourcing Organizations, in Open Source Systems: Adoption and Impact, vol. 451, E. Damiani, Frati, F., Riehle, D., and Wasserman, A. I., Eds. Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp. 103-113.
E. Stroulia, Bauer, K., Craig, M., Reid, K., and Wilson, G., Teaching distributed software engineering with UCOSP: the undergraduate capstone open-source project, in Proceedings of the 2011 Community Building Workshop on Collaborative Teaching of Globally Distributed Software Development, New York, NY, USA, 2011, pp. 20–25.
Distributed software development
S. Fellhofer, Harzl, A., and Slany, W., Scaling and Internationalizing an Agile FOSS Project: Lessons Learned, in Open Source Systems: Adoption and Impact, vol. 451, E. Damiani, Frati, F., Riehle, D., and Wasserman, A. I., Eds. Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp. 13-22.
division of labor
D. E. Wynn, Organizational Structure of Open Source Projects: A Life Cycle Approach, in Proceedings of 7th Annual Conference of the Southern Association for Information Systems, 2003.PDF icon wynn2004.pdf (242.8 KB)
