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K. D. A. Carillo, Understanding contributor behaviour within Free/Libre/Open Source Software communities: A socialization perspective, 2014.
A. Hemetsberger, Understanding consumers' collective action on the Internet - a definition and discussion of relevant concepts for research, 2004.PDF icon hemetsberger3.pdf (175.76 KB)
S. Sudakrishnan, Madhavan, J., Whitehead, Jr., J. E., and Renau, J., Understanding bug fix patterns in verilog, in Proceedings of the 2008 international working conference on Mining software repositories, New York, NY, USA, 2008, pp. 39–42.PDF icon p39-sudakrishnan.pdf (131.86 KB)
P. C. Rigby and Storey, M. - A., Understanding broadcast based peer review on open source software projects, in Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering, New York, NY, USA, 2011, pp. 541–550.PDF icon Rigby2011ICSE.pdf (418.7 KB)
I. Steinmacher, Conte, T., and Gerosa, M. A., Understanding and Supporting the Choice of an Appropriate Task to Start With In Open Source Software Communities , Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 48. IEEE, pp. 5299-5308, 2015.PDF icon HICSS-48_present.pdf (1.37 MB)
C. Boldyreff, Capiluppi, A., Knowles, T., and Munro, J., Undergraduate Research Opportunities in OSS, in OSS2009: Open Source Ecosystems: Diverse Communities Interacting (IFIP 2.13), 2009, vol. 299/2009, pp. 340 - 350.PDF icon Undergraduate Research Opportunities (693.14 KB)
D. Tartari, Un'applicazione Open Source: l'Osservatorio sull'e-government e la società dell'informazione, in OSS2005: Open Source Systems , 2005, pp. 291-293.
L. Nussbaum and Zacchiroli, S., The Ultimate Debian Database: Consolidating bazaar metadata for Quality Assurance and data mining, in 2010 7th IEEE Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2010)2010 7th IEEE Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2010), Cape Town, South Africa, 2010, pp. 52 - 61.PDF icon 52msr2010-udd.pdf (309.33 KB)
M. Chege, Ubuntuism, Commodification, and the Software Dialectic.. 2008.PDF icon Ubuntuism_Commodification_and_the_Software_Dialectic.pdf (403.82 KB)
