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“Design Information Sharing Across Multiple Knowledge Systems in a FLOSS Community”, in iConference '09, 2009. finalDraft41.pdf (663.55 KB)
, “Determining Implementation Expertise from Bug Reports”, in Fourth International Workshop on Mining Software Repositories (MSR'07:ICSE Workshops 2007), Minneapolis, MN, USA, 2007, pp. 2 - 2. 28300002.pdf (176.23 KB)
, “The Importance of Social Network Structure in the Open Source Software Developer Community”, in 2010 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2010, pp. 1 - 10. 07-06-07.pdf (276.05 KB)
, “LASER: a lexical approach to analogy in software reuse”, in International Workshop on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2004), Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 2004, vol. 2004, pp. 112 - 116. 112LASER.pdf (127.96 KB)
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