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Conference Proceedings
D. E. Krutz, Munaiah, N., Peruma, A., and Mkaouer, M. W., Who Added that Permission to My App? An Analysis of Developer Permission Changes in Open Source Android Apps, 2017 IEEE/ACM 4th International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems (MOBILESoft). pp. 165-169, 2017.
S. Kim, Pan, K., and Whitehead, J., WebDAV based Open Source Collaborative Development Environment, Proceedings of the 4th ICSE Workshop on Open Source. pp. 53-57, 2004.PDF icon Kim54-58.pdf (227.47 KB)
A. Ihara, Fujibayashi, D., Suwa, H., Kula, R. G., and Matsumoto, K., Understanding When to Adopt a Library: A Case Study on ASF Projects, Open Source Systems: Towards Robust Practices 13th International Conference on Open Source Systems, vol. 496. Springer, pp. 128-138, 2017.
J. M. González-Barahona, Sherwood, P., Robles, G., and Izquierdo, D., Technical Lag in Software Compilations: Measuring How Outdated a Software Deployment Is, Open Source Systems: Towards Robust Practices 13th International Conference on Open Source Systems, vol. 496, no. 235. Springer International Publishing, pp. 182 - 192, 2017.
S. Kim, Yoo, J., and Lee, M., Step-by-Step Strategies and Case Studies for Embedded Software Companies to Adapt to the FOSS Ecosystem, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology 378 (OSS 2012), vol. 378. pp. 48-60, 2012.
G. Robles, Koch, S., and Gonzalez-Barahona, J. M., Remote analysis and measurement of libre software systems by means of the CVSanaly tool, the 2nd ICSE Workshop on Remote Analysis and Measurement of Software Systems (RAMSS), 26th International Conference on Software Engineering. Edinburgh, Scotland, 2004.PDF icon robles-koch-barahona_cvsanaly.pdf (177.61 KB)
W. Chen, Krishnan, V., and Zhu, K., "Release Early, Release Often"? An Empirical Analysis of Release Strategy in Open Source Software Co-Creation, PACIS 2013 Proceedings. 2013.PDF icon PACIS2013-002.pdf (175.81 KB)
D. Riehle, Riemer, P., Kolassa, C., and Schmidt, M., PAID VS. VOLUNTEER WORK IN OPEN SOURCE, 47th International Hawai'i Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-47). IEEE Computer Society, pp. 3286-3295, 2014.
A. Wasserman, Guo, X., McMillian, B., K., Q., M.Y., W., and Xu, Q., OSSpal: Finding and Evaluating Open Source Software, Open Source Systems: Towards Robust Practices 13th International Conference on Open Source Systems, vol. 496. Springer, pp. 193-203, 2017.
E. Kalliamvakou, Damian, D., Blincoe, K., Singer, L., and German, D., Open Source-Style Collaborative Development Practices in Commercial Projects Using GitHub, 2015 IEEE/ACM 37th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering, vol. 1. ACM/IEEE, pp. 574-585, 2015.PDF icon icse-camera.pdf (766.9 KB)
B. Fitzgerald and Kenny, T., Open source software in the trenches: Lessons from a large-scale OSS implementation, International Conference on Information Systems. 2003.
M. M. M. Syeed, Kilamo, T., Hammouda, I., and Systä, T., Open Source Prediction Methods: A Systematic Literature Review, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology 378 (OSS 2012), vol. 378. IFIP AICT, Springer, pp. 280-285, 2012.
T. Kilamo, Hammouda, I., Kairamo, V., Rasanen, P., and Saarinen, J. P., Open Source, Open Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights – A Lightning Talk, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology 378 (OSS 2012), vol. 378. IFIP AICT, Springer, pp. 298-303, 2012.
T. Kilamo, Hammouda, I., Kairamo, V., Rasanen, P., and Saarinen, J. P., Open Source, Open Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights – A Lightning Talk, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology 378 (OSS 2012), vol. 378. IFIP AICT, Springer, pp. 298-303, 2012.
D. P. Delorey, Knutson, C. D., and Davies, M., Mining Programming Language Vocabularies from Source Code, 21st Annual Psychology of Programming Interest Group Conference. p. 12 pp, 2009.PDF icon 21st-delorey.pdf (223.53 KB)
Y. Wu, Manabe, Y., Kanda, T., German, D. M., and Inoue, K., A Method to Detect License Inconsistencies in Large-Scale Open Source Projects, 12th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2015). IEEE, 2015.PDF icon 992.pdf (180.28 KB)
V. Goduguluri, Kilamo, T., and Hammouda, I., KommGame: A Reputation Environment for Teaching Open Source Software, Open Source Systems: Grounding Research (OSS 2011). Springer, pp. 312-315, 2011.
A. C. MacLean, Pratt, L. J., Knutson, C. D., and Ringger, E. K., Knowledge Homogeneity and Specialization in the Apache HTTP Server Project, Open Source Systems: Grounding Research (OSS 2011). Springer, pp. 106-122, 2011.PDF icon MacLean2011a.pdf (1.31 MB)
S. Wang, Khomh, F., and Zou, Y., Improving Bug Localization using Correlations in Crash Reports, 10th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories. 2013.
M. Krafft, Stol, K. - J., and Fitzgerald, B., How Do Free/Open Source Developers Pick Their Tools? A Delphi Study of the Debian Project, 38th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2016). 2016.
B. Lundell, AbduraHmanovic, A., Andersson, S., Bergström, E., Feist, J., Gamalielsson, J., Gustavsson, T., Kahlbom, R., and Papaxanthis, K., How Can Open Standards Be Effectively Implemented in Open Source? Challenges and the ORIOS Project, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology 378 (OSS 2012), vol. 378. IFIP AICT, Springer, Eighth International Conference on Open Source Systems, pp. 383-388, 2012.
V. Ambati and Kishore, S. P., How can Academic Software Research and Open Source Software Development help each other?, Proceedings of the 4th ICSE Workshop on Open Source. pp. 5-8, 2004.PDF icon ambati6-9.pdf (135.11 KB)
R. Kulesza, Lima, J. F. A., Guedes, A. L., Junior, L. L. A., Meira, S. R. L., and Filho, G. L. S., Ginga-J: An Open Java-Based Application Environment for Interactive Digital Television Services, Open Source Systems: Grounding Research (OSS 2011). Springer, pp. 34-49, 2011.
V. Karakoidas, Mitropoulos, D., Louridas, P., Gousios, G., and Spinellis, D., Generating the Blueprints of the Java Ecosystem, MSR '15: Proceedings of the 2015 International Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories. IEEE Computer Society, 2015.
V. Kuechler, Gilbertson, C., and Jensen, C., Gender Differences in Early Free and Open Source Software Joining Process, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology 378 (OSS 2012), vol. 378. IFIP AICT, Springer, Eighth International Conference on Open Source Systems (OSS 2012), pp. 78-93, 2012.
