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A. Meiszner, Stamelos, I., and Sowe, S., 1st International Workshop on: ‘Designing for Participatory Learning’ Building from Open Source Success to Develop Free Ways to Share and Learn, in OSS2009: Open Source Ecosystems: Diverse Communities Interacting (IFIP 2.13), 2009, vol. 299/2009, pp. 355 - 356.PDF icon 1st International Workshop on (71.75 KB)
S. Morasca and Sillitti, A., 1st International Workshop on Trust in Open Source Software (TOSS), in OSS2007: Open Source Development, Adoption and Innovation (IFIP 2.13), 2007, vol. 234/2007, pp. 371 - 373.PDF icon 1st Intl Workshop on Trust (50.45 KB)
J. Gonzalez-Barahona, Conklin, M., and Robles, G., 2nd International Workshop on Public Data about Software Development (WoPDaSD 2007), in OSS2007: Open Source Development, Adoption and Innovation (IFIP 2.13), 2007, vol. 234/2007, pp. 381 - 383.PDF icon 2nd Intl Workshop on Public Data (51.45 KB)
J. González-Barahona, Squire, M., and Izquierdo-Cortázar, D., 4th International Workshop on Public Data about Software Development, in OSS2009: Open Source Ecosystems: Diverse Communities Interacting (IFIP 2.13), 2009, vol. 299/2009, pp. 351 - 352.PDF icon 4the International Workshop on Public Data (73.33 KB)
S. Daniel, Agarwal, R., and Stewart, K., An absorptive capacity perspective of open source software development group performance, International Conference on Information Systems. 2006.
M. Ohira, Ohsugi, N., Ohoka, T., and Matsumoto, K. -ichi, Accelerating cross-project knowledge collaboration using collaborative filtering and social networks, in Proceedings of the 2005 international workshop on Mining software repositories, New York, NY, USA, 2005, pp. 111-115.PDF icon 111Accelerating.pdf (332.38 KB)
F. R. Cotugno and Messina, A., Adapting SCRUM to the Italian Army: Methods and (Open) Tools, in Open Source Software: Mobile Open Source Technologies, vol. 427, L. Corral, Sillitti, A., Succi, G., Vlasenko, J., and Wasserman, A. I., Eds. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014, pp. 61-69.
A. Bonaccorsi, Adaptive entry strategies under dominant standards: Hybrid business models in the Open Source software industry, 2003.PDF icon bonnacorsirossigiannangeli.pdf (665.25 KB)
A. Hannemann, Hackstein, M., Klamma, R., and Jarke, M., An Adaptive Filter-Framework for the Quality Improvement of Open-Source Software Analysis., in Software Engineering, 2013, pp. 143–156.
A. Ankolekar, Herbsleb, J. D., and Sycara, K., Addressing Challenges to Open Source Collaboration with the Semantic Web, Proceedings of the 3rd ICSE Workshop on Open Source. pp. 9-13, 2003.PDF icon 9-13.pdf (145.24 KB)
B. Lundell, Gamalielsson, J., Tengblad, S., Yousefi, B. H., Fischer, T., Johansson, G., Rodung, B., Mattsson, A., Oppmark, J., Gustavsson, T., Feist, J., Landemoo, S., and Lönroth, E., Addressing Lock-in, Interoperability, and Long-Term Maintenance Challenges Through Open Source: How Can Companies Strategically Use Open Source?, Open Source Systems: Towards Robust Practices 13th International Conference on Open Source Systems, vol. 496. Springer, pp. 80-88, 2017.
R. Torkar, Minoves, P., and Garrigós, J., Adopting Free/Libre/Open Source Software Practices, Techniques and Methods for Industrial Use, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, vol. 12, no. 1, 2011.
C. Ardagna, Damiani, E., Frati, F., and Reale, S., Adopting Open Source for Mission-Critical Applications: A Case Study on Single Sign-On, in OSS2006: Open Source Systems (IFIP 2.13), 2006, pp. 209 - 220.PDF icon Adapting OS for Mission-critical Applications (714.99 KB)
C. Liu, Adopting Open-Source Software Engineering in Computer Science Education, Proceedings of the 3rd ICSE Workshop on Open Source. pp. 85-89, 2003.PDF icon 85-89.pdf (182.81 KB)
J. E. Robbins, Adopting OSS Methods by Adopting OSS Tools, in Proceedings of the 2nd ICSE Workshop on Open Source, 2002.PDF icon Robbins.pdf (171.73 KB)
P. Abate and Di Cosmo, R., Adoption of Academic Tools in Open Source Communities: The Debian Case Study, Open Source Systems: Towards Robust Practices 13th International Conference on Open Source Systems, vol. 496. Springer, pp. 139-150, 2017.
B. Rossi, Russo, B., and Succi, G., Adoption of free/libre open source software in public organizations: factors of impac, Information Technology & People, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 156-187, 2012.
Ø. Hauge, Sørensen, C. - F., and Conradi, R., Adoption of Open Source in the Software Industry, in OSS2008: Open Source Development, Communities and Quality (IFIP 2.13), 2008, vol. 275/2008, pp. 211 - 221.PDF icon Adaption of Open Source (243.85 KB)
Ø. Hauge, Ayala, C., and Conradi, R., Adoption of open source software in software-intensive organizations – A systematic literature review, Information and Software Technology, vol. 52, no. 11, pp. 1133 - 1154, 2010.
E. Petrinja, Sillitti, A., and Succi, G., Adoption of OSS Development Practices by the Software Industry: A Survey, Open Source Systems: Grounding Research (OSS 2011). Springer, pp. 233-243, 2011.
M. V. Antwerp and Madey, G., Advances in the Sourceforge Research Data Archive, in 3rd Workshop on Public Data about Software Development (WoPDaSD 2008), 2008, pp. 25-29.PDF icon srda2008.pdf (864.18 KB)
J. - M. Dalle, Advancing Economic Research on the Free and Open Source Software Mode of Production, 2004.PDF icon davidetal.pdf (357.34 KB)
J. Bell, LaToza, T. D., Baldmitsi, F., and Stavrou, A., Advancing Open Science with Version Control and Blockchains, 2017 IEEE/ACM 12th International Workshop on Software Engineering for Science (SE4Science). pp. 13-14, 2017.
L. Yilmaz, An Agent Simulation Study on Conflict, Community Climate and Innovation in Open Source Communities, International Journal of Open Source Software and Processes, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 1 - 25, 2009.
M. E. Febles Parker and Monte, Y. F., The Agile Management of Development Projects of Software Combining Scrum, Kanban and Expert Consultation, in Open Source Software: Mobile Open Source Technologies, vol. 427, L. Corral, Sillitti, A., Succi, G., Vlasenko, J., and Wasserman, A. I., Eds. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014, pp. 176-180.
