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“OTRS: un sistema a ticket per la gestione dell’help desk”, in OSS2005: Open Source Systems , 2005, p. 281.
, “Improving comprehension and cooperation through code structure”, IEE Seminar Digests, vol. 2004, pp. 23-28, 2004. capiluppi2004.pdf (209.98 KB)
, “Detecting similar Java classes using tree algorithms”, in Proceedings of the 2006 international workshop on Mining software repositories, New York, NY, USA, 2006, pp. 65–71. 65Detecting.pdf (553.78 KB)
, “Improving comprehension and cooperation through code structure”, IEE Seminar Digests, vol. 2004, pp. 23-28, 2004. capiluppi2004.pdf (209.98 KB)
, “How Does Contributors’ Involvement Influence the Build Status of an Open-Source Software Project?”, 2017 IEEE/ACM 14th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR). pp. 475-478, 2017.
, “Multiple Social Networks Analysis of FLOSS Projects using Sargas”, in 2009 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2009), Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, 2009, pp. 1 - 10. 07-07-06.pdf (322.59 KB)
, “What is the significance of Open Source Software for the education and training community?”, in OSS2005: Open Source Systems , 2005, pp. 353-358.
, “On mining data across software repositories”, in 2009 6th IEEE International Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR)2009 6th IEEE International Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2009, pp. 171 - 174. 171MiningAcrossmsr09.pdf (443.17 KB)
, “A Dataset of Feature Additions and Feature Removals from the Linux Kernel”, in Proceedings of the 11th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, New York, NY, USA, 2014, pp. 376–379. kernel.pdf (333.32 KB)
, “An Introduction to Open Source Communities”, Blue Oxen Associates, 2003. blueoxen.pdf (442.58 KB)
, “Framing the Conundrum of Total Cost of Ownership of Open Source Software”, Open Source Systems: Grounding Research (OSS 2011). Springer, pp. 208-219, 2011.
, “Stopping spyware at the gate: a user study of privacy, notice and spyware”, in 2005 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security, Pittsburgh, PA, 2005, pp. 43-52.
, “Adopting OSS Methods by Adopting OSS Tools”, in Proceedings of the 2nd ICSE Workshop on Open Source, 2002. Robbins.pdf (171.73 KB)
, “Mining Eclipse Developer Contributions via Author-Topic Models”, in Fourth International Workshop on Mining Software Repositories (MSR'07:ICSE Workshops 2007), Minneapolis, MN, USA, 2007, pp. 30 - 30. 28300030.pdf (101.31 KB)
, “Automated topic naming: supporting cross-project analysis of software maintenance activities”, Empirical Software Engineering, 2012.
, “Analyzing and mining a code search engine usage log”, Empirical Software Engineering, vol. 17, no. 4-5, pp. 424 - 466, 2012.
, “Mining StackOverflow to Filter out Off-topic IRC Discussion”, International Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories. p. 4 pages, 2015. shaiful-mining_so.pdf (144.71 KB)
, “An Insight into the Pull Requests of GitHub”, in Proceedings of the 11th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, New York, NY, USA, 2014, pp. 364–367. rahman.pdf (295.69 KB)
, “Studying software evolution using topic models”, Science of Computer Programming, vol. 80, pp. 457–479, 2014.
, “Exploring, exposing, and exploiting emails to include human factors in software engineering”, in Companion to the Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering, New York, NY, USA, 2011, pp. 1074–1077.
, “AMAP: automatically mining abbreviation expansions in programs to enhance software maintenance tools”, in Proceedings of the 2008 international working conference on Mining software repositories, New York, NY, USA, 2008, pp. 79–88. p79-hill.pdf (363.75 KB)
, “Socialization in an Open Source Software Community: A Socio-Technical Analysis”, Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), vol. 14, pp. 323-368, 2005.
, “Creating a Free, Dependable Software Engineering Environment for Building Java Applications”, in 1st Workshop on Open Source Software Engineering at ICSE 2001, 2001. bittman.pdf (104.42 KB)
, “Adopting OSS Methods by Adopting OSS Tools”, in Proceedings of the 2nd ICSE Workshop on Open Source, 2002. Robbins.pdf (171.73 KB)
, “Tools for the Study of the Usual Data Sources found in Libre Software Projects”, International Journal of Open Source Software and Processes, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 24 - 45, 2009. robles.pdf (990.6 KB)