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“The FreeBSD Project: A Replication Case Study of Open Source Development”, IEEE Trans. Software Eng., vol. 31, pp. 481-494, 2005. DinhTrungBieman.pdf (982.33 KB)
, “A Study of the Relationships between Source Code Metrics and Attractiveness in Free Software Projects”, in Proceedings of the 2010 Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, Washington, DC, USA, 2010, pp. 11–20. sourcecode_attractiveness.pdf (241.29 KB)
, “A Review of Tool Support for User-Related Communication in FLOSS Development”, Open Source Systems: Grounding Research (OSS 2011). pp. 90-105, 2011.
, “Usability and open-source software development”, Proceedings of the Symposium on Computer Human Interaction, pp. 49–54, 2001. nichols.pdf (40.74 KB)
, “Code quality analysis in open source software development”, Information Systems Journal, vol. 12, pp. 43–60, 2002.
, “A Study of the Relationships between Source Code Metrics and Attractiveness in Free Software Projects”, in Proceedings of the 2010 Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, Washington, DC, USA, 2010, pp. 11–20. sourcecode_attractiveness.pdf (241.29 KB)
, “Visualizing collaboration and influence in the open-source software community”, in Proceedings of the 8th working conference on Mining software repositories - MSR '11, New York, New York, USA, 2011, pp. 223-226.
, “Managing knowledge sharing in distributed innovation from the perspective of developers: empirical study of open source software projects in China”, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, vol. 2929143029, no. 11721, pp. 1 - 22, 2017.
, “Stopping spyware at the gate: a user study of privacy, notice and spyware”, in 2005 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security, Pittsburgh, PA, 2005, pp. 43-52.
, “How open source software works: "free" user-to-user assistance”, Research Policy, vol. 32, pp. 923-943, 2003. lakhani2003.pdf (248.56 KB)
, “Stopping spyware at the gate: a user study of privacy, notice and spyware”, in 2005 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security, Pittsburgh, PA, 2005, pp. 43-52.
, “Examining Usability Work and Culture in OSS”, in Open Source Systems: Adoption and Impact, vol. 451, Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp. 58-67.
, “Path dependent stochastic models to detect planned and actual technology use: A case study of OpenOffice”, Information and Software Technology, vol. 53, no. 11, pp. 1209 - 1226, 2011.
, “Content classification of developer emails”, in Proceedings of the 34th IEEE/ACM International Conference On Software Engineering (ICSE 2012), 2012. icse2012.pdf (661.43 KB)
, “Exploring, exposing, and exploiting emails to include human factors in software engineering”, in Companion to the Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering, New York, NY, USA, 2011, pp. 1074–1077.
, “Migrazione di un Sistema Informativo da UNIX-AIX a UNIX-Linux”, in OSS2005: Open Source Systems , 2005, pp. 287-288.
, “An International Master Programme in Free Software in the European Higher Education Space”, in OSS2005: Open Source Systems , 2005, pp. 349-352.
, “A Large-Scale Study on the Usage of Testing Patterns that Address Maintainability Attributes”, 2017 IEEE/ACM 14th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR). pp. 391-401, 2017.
, “A Large-Scale Study on the Usage of Testing Patterns that Address Maintainability Attributes”, 2017 IEEE/ACM 14th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR). pp. 391-401, 2017.
, “A Large-Scale Study on the Usage of Testing Patterns that Address Maintainability Attributes”, 2017 IEEE/ACM 14th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR). pp. 391-401, 2017.
, “Using association rules to study the co-evolution of production & test code”, in 2009 6th IEEE International Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR)2009 6th IEEE International Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2009, pp. 151 - 154. 151UsingAssociation.pdf (129.59 KB)
, “Towards an Openness Rating System for Open Source Software”, in 2010 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2010), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2010, pp. 1 - 8. 10-07-04.pdf (174.81 KB)
, “Using FLOSS Project Metadata in the Undergraduate Classroom”, in OSS2009: Open Source Ecosystems: Diverse Communities Interacting (IFIP 2.13), 2009, vol. 299/2009, pp. 330 - 339. Using FLOSS Project Metadata (377.77 KB)
, “Using FLOSS Project Metadata in the Undergraduate Classroom”, in OSS2009: Open Source Ecosystems: Diverse Communities Interacting (IFIP 2.13), 2009, vol. 299/2009, pp. 330 - 339. Using FLOSS Project Metadata (377.77 KB)
, “Teaching Software Engineering with Free/Libre Open Source Projects”, International Journal of Open Source Software and Processes, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 72 - 90, 2009.